Polling Stations
34,684 polling stations in the entire country
Atabu Pri.sch. B
Atabu Parish, Batta Subcounty
Dokolo North Constituency, Dokolo District
Alao-okwanya C.o.u
Southern Ward Parish, Dokolo Town Council Subcounty
Dokolo South Constituency, Dokolo District
Tetugo P.a.g Church
Tetugo A Ward Parish, Agwata Town Council Subcounty
Dokolo North Constituency, Dokolo District
Amari C.o.u.
Ageni Parish, Okwongodul Subcounty
Dokolo South Constituency, Dokolo District
Abyece P. School
Acanpii Parish, Dokolo Subcounty
Dokolo North Constituency, Dokolo District
Wigudu Tc
Agoga Parish, Kwera Subcounty
Dokolo South Constituency, Dokolo District
Amwoma Parish, Amwoma Subcounty
Dokolo North Constituency, Dokolo District
Acancilling C,o,u
Adwila Parish, Kangai Subcounty
Dokolo South Constituency, Dokolo District
Adagnyeko Pri. Sch B
Adagnyeko Parish, Okwalongwen Subcounty
Dokolo North Constituency, Dokolo District
Awelo-omer Cath.church
Okwalongwen Parish, Okwalongwen Subcounty
Dokolo North Constituency, Dokolo District
Adwila Modern Pri Sch
Adwila Parish, Kangai Subcounty
Dokolo South Constituency, Dokolo District
Awiri S.d.a Church
Awiri Parish, Dokolo Subcounty
Dokolo North Constituency, Dokolo District
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